Off grid solar PV system

   2014-01-11 Inverter.coSolar Specialist5990
核心提示:Off grid solar PV: Mails sent in July 2012 to MNRE / KREDL / few Foundations / GEDA/ GoG It is important to identify th
Off grid solar PV: Mails sent in July 2012 to MNRE / KREDL / few Foundations / GEDA/ GoG

It is important to identify the site locations which are in real need of Off Grid Solar PV Power for a planned growth for future connectivity of Micro grids (no haphazard or unsustainable OFF GRID SOLAR PV project development with or without license). There can be following category:

a). Locations where NO GRID and NO LIGHT and needs Solar PV OFF GRID / MICRO GRID. What is the distance of GRID from this location so that in future (in next 10 years) Government (for heaven's sake let us not distinguish State or Centre as both failed to provide power even after 62 years of Independence !) can achieve it objective of providing power to all rather than IPP.

b). Locations where GRID power exist, but, is scarcely available, thus there is a need of OFF GRID SOLAR PV / MICRO GRID with payment capacity of Customers (no extortion business plans please).

Though the POLICY MAKING and ENSURING BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE is the job of Government, but, is now clear that only the Government, its administration (both Political (MP/MLA/MLC/ Panchayats) or IAS or State Administration) for over 60 years are not enough to create overall inclusive development in a large country like INDIA, thus, it requires the participation with increased stake holding in policy making by the common man, NGOs, Industries (through meaningful CSR objectives), entrepreneurs, Foundations with self motivation and be stake holders in POLICY MAKING with transparency.

We must avoid statements like "ONLY WE ARE THE LAW MAKING BODIES (few MPs or MLAs) !!" as INDIA is a good country with good people both inside and outside the Parliament. The "COUNTRY FIRST" culture and the hard earned Independence must be ensured at all costs by rejecting subservience, instead, demonstrate the success of Democracy "By the People / For the People" for an effective and sound NATION with Sovereignty with necessary checks and balances through effective POLICIES irrespective (and independent) of the TENURE of the Party or Secretaries. The System or POLICY has to be self sustainable. Follow us on Facebook.
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