Make solar inverter safe

   2014-01-11 7890
核心提示:I could not trace the postings on storage related to solar inverter. Please note that storage problem do exist in solar
I could not trace the postings on storage related to solar inverter. Please note that storage problem do exist in solar power inverter. Note that this problems comes up at a later period. May be after a decade. Energy management in the national level can absorb the solar power generated by the present approaches. Just for information, peak load varies from place to place.
Present attention should be to generate maximum power from solar inverter source so that the scarce fossil fuel at our command could be reserved for future use. So also we can save our foreign exchange.
about the fear of scams it is time the media to rise to the occasion. When individuals raise the issues he will become a blot in the eye. In my view there is reason for CAG to go into these solar inverter projects. Note that 100% FDI is allowed in RE sector. I do not know how it works in the dubious path. It is too late for CAG to look into it. The foul play, if any, is to be identified and let solar inverter projects move safe.
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