Colour code to improve safety

   2012-07-01 3940
核心提示:Colour coding to improve safety With body stressing accounting for more than 40 per cent of all serious workers

Colour coding to improve safety

With body stressing accounting for more than 40 per cent of all serious workers compensation claims, employers have to look twice at their choice of materials used for building and maintenance tasks.

Colour coding to improve safety

John McNab

And as momentum gathers towards materials that are not only light but recyclable, Calair is finding increasing demand for its lightweight polymer pipe systems for compressed air, gases and liquids.
The Calair product is among the toughest and lightest available anywhere, being eight times lighter than equivalent steel product and 30 per cent lighter again than equivalent PVC. It’s also permanently colour-coded for safety.
The company’s clean, easily installed and recyclable liquid, gas and compressed air systems have already been proven in more than 10,000 applications worldwide ranging from the Australian outback to frozen territories of Canada.
Calair’s pipe systems are also being exported globally to places such as Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America, having won selection for the Australian Government’s Technology Showcase.
“This identified the product as being capable of achieving world markets with concepts offering 21st century alternatives to metal reticulation systems fundamentally unchanged since the Industrial Revolution,” said Calair managing director John McNab.
The latest figures from Safe Work Australia* - which reflect international trends - show that body stressing (also referred to as manual handling) account for 41 per cent of all serious workers compensation claims.
Additionally, slip, fall and trip accidents accounted for more than 25,000 new workers compensation cases annually and many of these could probably be related to carrying or handling heavy objects, according to McNab.
“Calair systems are light, won’t rust and feature permanent colour-coding of contents for optimum safety as increasingly required by OHS regulations globally,” he said.
“One of the last things a hard-pressed maintenance worker wants to worry about is what is in the pipes he’s working on as another production deadline approaches.
“Apart from needing to know quickly where to find the conduits to pneumatic, chemical, waste, water and other services, there’s the safety concern involved if the worker opens or cuts into the wrong pipe.
“In service, polymer won’t rust and drop flakes into the pipes, or clog them so air or other fluids have to fight to get through. Also, because polymer insulates better than metal piping, it isn’t as prone to condensation in the first place as hot air meets cold pipes,” said McNab.
The reticulation system - available in sizes from 12.5mm-100mm (half-inch to four-inch nominal bore) – is a complete system, with a comprehensive range of joints, cross-pieces, elbows, fasteners and fittings.
“The energy-saving, low-friction Calair pressure piping systems are far easier and faster to erect and reconfigure than metal systems of copper, stainless steel and galvanized iron.
“No expensive skilled labour is needed - just simple ring wrenches used by normal factory labour. The system has been proven over more than 20 years with customer satisfaction exceeding 99.8 per cent,” said John McNab.
Calair has designed all its products to be totally recyclable – virtually an entire installation can be picked up from one plant and moved to the next.
Calair reticulation systems are designed to be simple, versatile and very flexible to use without requiring any expensive specialist trades such as welding. Unlike metal welded systems – which frequently have to be junked when production facilities change location – Calair has founded its business on systems that can be dismantled, cleanly packed away and reconverted to a new use.
All of Calair’s lightweight piping systems are permanently colour-coded to conform with the requirements of international standards relating to content identification of pipes, conduits and ducts, including AS1345 (1995) and ISO R508.
Guaranteed for 10 years and with typical expected lifespans of 50 years depending on applications, Calair’s entire Pro Pipe II range is permanently colour-coded in accordance with AS 1345-1995, including AQUA for compressed air, BEIGE for gas, GREEN for water, RED for fire services, VIOLET for acids and alkalines, BROWN for oil and BLACK for waste.

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 or you can contact us directly;
Gentle Automatic Solution Sdn Bhd
36,Jalan Industri USJ1/13,
Taman Perindustrian USJ1,
47600 Subang Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.

Tel : 03-8023 7743/8743
Fax : 03-8023 9743

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