Fontal Malaysia Solenoid Valve

   2020-05-02 9280
核心提示:EnlargeSolenoid ValveModel: A PM ADEX PC/RC5,13 PC/RC06,08,15 PK/RK AS/SSCategory:Machinery Parts and Components/Hydraul

Solenoid Valve


Model: A PM ADEX PC/RC5,13 PC/RC06,08,15 PK/RK AS/SS

Category: Machinery Parts and Components / Hydraulic and Pneumatic Components / Solenoid Valves


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Solenoid Valve: A Series
The solenoid-operated air valves of this series are types metal seal and a spool valve. This provides a choice of 3-way (3 ports), 4-way (5 ports), 2-position with single or double solenoid, and 3-position with closed center or exhaust center models, in conformity with customer’s requirements.

Solenoid Valve: PM Series
The solenoid-operated air valves of this series are types with an internal-pilot-type metal seal and a spool valve. This provides a choice of 3-way (3 ports), 4-way (5 ports), 2-position with single or double solenoid, and 3-position with closed center or exhaust center models, in conformity with customer’s requirements.

Solenoid Valve: ADEX Series
・Stream line, compact design
・Compact body with large flow
・Quick response time, faster than 10ms
・Expected life time more than 50,000,000 times
・Low power consumption – only 0.6W
・Common interface used for both PR type and GF type
・Captured exhaust from main valve and pilot valve
・Locking button

Solenoid Valve: PC/RC 5, 13 Series
PC/RC 5, 13 Series:
・Standardized series featuring low power consumption
・Electrical connection
・Vacuum and Dual supply available
・Captured pilot exhaust as standard
・Manual override standard
・Effective area: 4mm2 and 12mm2
・Latch type solenoid version

PCL5, 13 Series:
・Functions of double solenoid are available on one-end solenoid.
・Compact design equal to single solenoid
・(PCL5 and 13 series are of the same configuration.)

Solenoid Valve: PC/RC 06, 08, 15 Series
・High flow from compact die casted body
・Single piece spool with patented TS seal rings featuring wear compensation design for long life
・Unique solenoid design minimizes burn-out and power consumption
・4-way, 4/5-port, 2/3-position valves, In-line, Sub-base and manifold
・Manual override (None locking type) is standard on all PC/RC series Locking type is available on request

Solenoid Valve: PK/RK Series
RK20 Series:
・Width: 26mm
・Large flow capacity: Cv 1.0
・Effective area: 18 mm2
・Low power comsumption: 1.8 W(DC)
・Various electrical entries

RK50 Series:
・Width: 32mm
・Large flow capacity: Cv 2.5
・Effective area: 45 mm2
・Low power comsumption: 1.8 W(DC)
・Various electrical entries

PK80 Series:
・Compact size and large flow capacity: Cv 4.44 (Rc½),5.0(Rc¾)
・Effective area: 80 mm2 (Rc½),90 mm2 (Rc¾)
・Low power consumption: 1.8W (DC)
・Various electrical entries

Solenoid Valve: AS/SS Series
AS22 Series:
・Light, compact and simple structure
・Mountable in line
・Flow rate higher than internal sectional area of connecting pipe guaranteed.

AS307 Series:
・Continuous switch-on for a long time
・Compact, light and high flow
・Long service life
・Electronic control correspondence

SS22 Series:
・Light, compact and simple structure
・Mountable in line
・Usable also for vacuum operation

SS231 Series:
・Compact, light and high flow
・Usable for non lubrication
・It is possible to hand operate




Solenoid Valve

Solenoid Valve Features:
Fontal has designed diverse special valves with the features of long-life, high-performance, high-speed and low power consumption to offer customers to produce the highest quality machine.
・Large flow capacity
・Long life
・High performance
・High response rate
・Low power consumption

Manifold Mounting:
・Easily Mounted, Easily Piped, Easily Serviced
・Fontal solenoid-operated air valves can be manifold mounted.
・Fontal manifolds simplify your complex installation, reduce in-service maintenance downtime, cut labor and material costs

Solenoid Valve: A Series
The solenoid-operated air valves of this series are types metal seal and a spool valve. This provides a choice of 3-way (3 ports), 4-way (5 ports), 2-position with single or double solenoid, and 3-position with closed center or exhaust center models, in conformity with customer’s requirements.
・High strength
・Simple construction
・Small size, light weight
・Easy maintenance
・Precision lapped spool and sleeve
・Large-sized terminal
・Indicator light (Option)
・Easily replaceable solenoid unit
・Manual piston switch

Series: A06A08A10A15A25MF☐-C



Solenoid Valve PM Series

Solenoid Valve: PM Series
The solenoid-operated air valves of this series are types with an internal-pilot-type metal seal and a spool valve. This provides a choice of 3-way (3 ports), 4-way (5 ports), 2-position with single or double solenoid, and 3-position with closed center or exhaust center models, in conformity with customer’s requirements.
・Small, light and high flow rate
・Long service life
・Quick response and positive shifting
・Plug-in connector
・Locking manual override
・Flow pattern
Series: PM6PM06,PM08PM10PM15PM25MF☐-C



Solenoid Valve: ADEX Series
・Stream line, compact design
・Compact body with large flow
・Quick response time, faster than 10ms
・Expected life time more than 50,000,000 times
・Low power consumption – only 0.6W
・Common interface used for both PR type and GF type
・Captured exhaust from main valve and pilot valve
・Locking button

PR SeriesA05P,A05R,MF☐-A05P/R, A12P,A12R,MF☐-A12P/R,A20P, A20R, MF☐-A20P/R
GF Series:A05G, A05F, MF☐-A05G/F, A12G, A12F, MF☐-A12G/F, A20G, A20F, MF☐-A20G/F
00S Series: A00S, MFS☐-A00S



Solenoid Valve: PC/RC 5, 13 Series
PC/RC 5, 13 Series:
・Standardized series featuring low power consumption
・Electrical connection
・Vacuum and Dual supply available
・Captured pilot exhaust as standard
・Manual override standard
・Effective area: 4mm2 and 12mm2
・Latch type solenoid version

PCL5, 13 Series:
・Functions of double solenoid are available on one-end solenoid.
・Compact design equal to single solenoid
・(PCL5 and 13 series are of the same configuration.)
・All the wires are one-side
・3-wire specifications of “+”, “-” and “Common”
・Lead wire and plug-in connector with lead wire.

Series: PC5,MF☐-P☐5, RC5, MF☐-R☐5PC13, MFS☐-P☐13RC13, MFU☐-R☐13, PCL5, RCL5, MFS☐-P☐5, MFU☐-R☐5,PCL13, RCL13, MFS☐-P☐13, MFU☐-R☐13,GC30



Solenoid Valve: PC/RC 06, 08, 15 Series
・High flow from compact die casted body
・Single piece spool with patented TS seal rings featuring wear compensation design for long life
・Unique solenoid design minimizes burn-out and power consumption
・4-way, 4/5-port, 2/3-position valves, In-line, Sub-base and manifold
・Manual override (None locking type) is standard on all PC/RC series Locking type is available on request
Series: PC06,MF☐-PC06, PC08, MF☐-PC08, PC15, MF☐-PC15, RC06, MFU☐-RC06, RC08, MFU☐-RC08



Solenoid Valve: PK/RK Series
RK20 Series:
・Width: 26mm
・Large flow capacity: Cv 1.0
・Effective area: 18 mm2
・Low power comsumption: 1.8 W(DC)
・Various electrical entries

RK50 Series:
・Width: 32mm
・Large flow capacity: Cv 2.5
・Effective area: 45 mm2
・Low power comsumption: 1.8 W(DC)
・Various electrical entries

PK80 Series:
・Compact size and large flow capacity: Cv 4.44 (Rc½),5.0(Rc¾)
・Effective area: 80 mm2 (Rc½),90 mm2 (Rc¾)
・Low power consumption: 1.8W (DC)
・Various electrical entries

Series: RK20,MFU☐-RK20, RK50, MFU☐-RK50PK80MF☐-PK80



Solenoid Valve: AS/SS Series
AS22 Series:
・Light, compact and simple structure
・Mountable in line
・Flow rate higher than internal sectional area of connecting pipe guaranteed.

AS307 Series:
・Continuous switch-on for a long time
・Compact, light and high flow
・Long service life
・Electronic control correspondence

SS22 Series:
・Light, compact and simple structure
・Mountable in line
・Usable also for vacuum operation

SS231 Series:
・Compact, light and high flow
・Usable for non lubrication
・It is possible to hand operate

Series: AS22AS307, SS22/23, SS231,MF☐-TI/TC



VA01PEP34A-1U VA01PSC24-1P

VA01PSV23-1L VA01PSP23-1L

VA01PCL24-1P PCL245-NB-D24




AS2406/AC100V/AC110V/AC200V/AC220V AS2306-01-100 AS2306-01-110 AS2306-01-200 AS2310-01-220
AS2406-01-100 AS2406-01-110 AS2406-01-200 AS2410-01-220




A05PS25-1P?? A12PD25-1S

A12PD25-1P?? A12GD25-1P

A12PS25-1P?? A12GS25X-1P

AS2410-NB-220? PCD245-NB-D24

AS2306-02-220? PCS245-NB-D24

AS2315-06-220? PCD2413-NB-D24


VA01PEP34A-1U?? VA01PSC24-1P

VA01PSV23-1L??? VA01PSP23-1L

VA01PCL24-1P??? PCL245-NB-D24


PCS2408-NB-100G? AS2310-04-220












A05PS25-1P,A05PS25X-1P.A12RS25-1P,A12PS25-1P,A12PD25-1S-E,A12GD25-1P,A12PS25X-1P,A12GS25X-1P K20PS25-200DP-NB,A12FS-1P, VZ3120-5GS-M5 , 5ER-8E

VZ3120-5GS-M5, 5ER-8E

A05PS25-1P,A05PS25X-1P.A12RS25-1P,A12PS25-1P,A12PD25-1S-E,A12GD25-1P,A12PS25X-1P A12GS25X-1P K20PS25-200DP-NB,A12FS25-1P



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