U-Power - the next generation Air Circuit Breaker from L&T - draws inspiration from the perfection so commonly found nature.
U-Power employs state-of-the-art technology to offer a comprehensive System Solution... From Intelligent Protection to Complete Control... From Installation to Operating Convenience... From User Safety to System Security. All this in the most Modular design of Optimized dimensions... Just like a beehive.
Nature mastered the art of creating efficient designs over millions of years, Mathematicians discovered it over centuries and L&T implemented it in U-POWER ! The result... A product surpassing global benchmarks... Cutting across many frontiers.
Complete Range
- 400-6300 A in four optimized frame sizes
- 3 pole & 4 pole versions
- Fixed & Drawout versions
- S, H & V versions of increasing breaking capacities
- Icu=Ics=Icw for the entire range
- Standard 100% neutral
Space saving solution for 50% neutral (3200A-6300A)
True 200% neutral (upto 2500A)
- Wide range of accessories, common across the range