Moya oils

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更新 2015-07-07 23:28

West India Chemical International

VIP   Company第8年
  • Asia-India
  • 上次登录 2015-07-07
  • Rajendra Tiwari (Mr.)   Director

RXSOL MOYA OIL is effective and economical emulsifier. Safe to use on most metal surfaces, painted and coated surfaces and also used as a multipurpose degreaser in extremely hard cleaning conditions. Degreaser Moya oil Specification: Colour Redish Yellow appearance homogeneous clear. Odour- Citrus PH value- 8.50 - 9.50, Viscosity- Ford cup B-4-12 seconds at 22 Deg.c Specific Gravity - 1.042-055. Non flammable, Non Toxic, Non Caustic, Non Explosive and causes no pollution. Packing Size: 25.00 Ltr. Application: RXSOL-20-2023 is applied by Spraying , Brushing, Soaking, Dipping , Rubbing, or Mopping Spraying is used for cold cleaning interiors of oil storage tanks or wher surfaces to becleaning interior or oil storage tanks or wher surfaces to be cleaned are irregular. After spraying RXSOL-20-2023 should be allowed to remain for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing. If dry surfaces is not required it is necessary to rinse with water .Brushing and mopping is used with RXSOL-20-2023 for removing oil from decks piers and other large areas . Dipping & soaking in unheated RXSOL-20-2023 is the most economical way of cleaning small or large parts.Rubbing with a soft cloth or sponge soaked with RXSOL-20-2023 is an easy and quick method of cleaning larger parts and painted surface. Steam cleaning can be speeded up by spraying RXSOL-20-2023 a few minutes prior to steam lancing. Dose: Ready to use for tank cleaning or general decreasing.
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