injection molding factories

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发货 Asia付款后3天内
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更新 2017-01-19 04:57

Triple-c limited plastic mold

VIP   Company第8年
  • Asia
  • 上次登录 2017-01-19
  • ro van der Linden (先生)   director
 We, triple-c , a respected chinese mold making factory, delivers high quality presicon tooling ( dies /mold/moulds) for plastic presiicion prodcuts components, it  doesnot matter for what kind of industry we serve diiferent kinds of industries such as: automotive, medical, furniture, domestic appliances, safety, eletronic encasings and aplliances. Even small molded parts qunaities are acceptable

We start with part or component design engineering, followed by injection molding factories design in autocad ( 2d and 3d design) . after custuomers approval we will start buying mold steel; ( p20 or H13)

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