Sink kitchen faucets

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发货 AsiaChina付款后3天内
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更新 2014-09-15 08:52

HANJOY Industry Co., Ltd

VIP   Company第8年
  • Asia-China
  • 上次登录 2014-10-13
  • huang (Mr.)  
 Model NO.: H01-103
    Stainless steel material
    New and fashionable design
    New type brass faucet, modern and fashion


A brass kitchen faucet is practically indestructible. Brass does not rust; it fiercely resists corrosion and hard water deposits. Until the middle of the twentieth century, ship builders used nothing but brass for blocks, cleats, and deck hardware, because neither extreme temperatures nor saltwater seriously harm brass. The purists still insist on all-brass fittings for their ocean-going vessels, because no metal—not even high-tech alloys—outlasts or out-performs brass.

Common sense dictates if brass works well on a big boat, it certainly will work well in a little house. In the east and Midwest, many classic craftsman bungalows and row-houses still have the original brass faucets built-in during the 1920’s. Those century-old brass faucets still command the highest prices at antique auctions and salvage houses. A brass kitchen faucet simply will not wear out.
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