lost wax castings

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更新 2014-01-07 10:46

Investment casting foundry

VIP   Company第8年
  • Asia
  • 上次登录 2014-01-07
  • Cathy (Ms.)  
Fly foundry have been in this sector for over 30years.Casting can be used for all different sized parts, whether you are looking to create jewellery or other small parts whether it is for a machine or a bespoke part that you are looking for then why not get in touch.
Lost Wax Casting became very popular during World War II due to the high demand to produce machinery to the exact specification as they required.
This process is incredibly reliable as due to the attention to detail throughout the stages the final product rarely needs additional finishing and it is sure to look exactly the same as the original piece.
If you have been looking for bespoke components for one of your applications whether for industrial or commercial then Fly can help you. For more information on Lost Wax Casting why not get in touch and see what we can do to help you get just what you are looking for.
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Investment castings stainless steel investment castings
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