
单价 RM570.00 / Ton对比
销量 暂无
浏览 212
发货 AsiaChina预售,付款后14天内
库存 100000Ton起订16Ton
品牌 Xingmao
型号 sd-001
规格 food grade
过期 长期有效
更新 2012-09-18 13:28


VIP   Company第8年
  • Asia-China
  • 上次登录 2012-09-18
  • Jack Chen (Mr.)   marketing executive

Maltodextrin is easily one of the most popular, most common commercial sweeteners / food additives. As such it gets used in an absolutely huge number of roles.

Many consumers may not know the value of maltodextrin in home food preparation, but its value in commercial food preparation is extremely well known, being one of the most common ingredients in artificial sweeteners since it has fewer calories than table sugar.

For a commercial food manufacturer, maltodextrin really means the entire family of products, and really not just a single distinct ingredient.
What is Maltodextrin?
It's a short chain of linked glucose (i.e. dextrose) molecules. It's made by regulating starch hydrolysis and is classified as a sweet polysaccharide.

The interesting thing about maltodextrin for many commercial food manufacturers is that unlike other starch sweeteners, "maltodextrin" (the word by itself) can be used in your ingredient list regardless of the original source of starch.
Application of Maltodextrin
1. Confection
Improving the taste, tenacity and the structure of foods; Preventing recrystallization and extending shelf life.
2. Beverages
The beverages are scientifically prepared with Maltodextrin, which add more flavor, soluble, consistent and delicious, and reduce sweet taste and cost. There are more advantages of these kinds of beverages than that of the traditional drinks and foods such as ice-cream, fast tea and coffee etc.
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dextrose monohydrate
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