Material handling equipment of TOYO KOKEN are taking anactive part in the physical flow covering acceptance,machining, processing, production, storage, and distribution of materials and products.BALAMAN Series which saves labor of transfer andtransportation of heavy loads are offered in various types such as “Pneumatic BALAMAN”, handy “Hoist BALAMAN”, and “Electric BALAMAN” operated with electric power of 200V.This time, ULTRA BALAMAN, a hybrid type BALAMAN whichhas realized gravity-free handling, has been released. A wide variety of hand attachments applicable to heavy loads of any shape can be also made available.
●TOYO KOKEN’s material handling equipment have been used for various transfer and transportation applications
- For health and safety of workers
- Remarkable improvement of operating efficiency
- Simplicify the skilled operations
- Applicable to a wide working range
- Mitigation of heavy labor