Recovery of water for WWTP, ETP, Condensate

单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 119
发货 MalaysiaSelangorPetaling Jaya
型号 UF, RO, Bag Filter, Cartridge Filter
规格 Tailor to suit your need
过期 长期有效
更新 2012-06-11 14:54


VIP   Company第8年
Recovery of Condensate/Treated Effluent
* Able to recover water for utility usage – CT, plant washing, irrigation and etc
* Meeting Cooling Tower requirement with low TDS, hardness, silica
* Recovery rate ranges from 75%-80%
* Reduces loading at ETP – condensate application
* Increases effluent discharge std

Example Scenario – Water Recovery from Treated Effluent

* Current discharge : 500m3 per day = 182,500 m3 per annum
* Water Recovery rate : 75%
* Recovered water : 136,900 m3 per annum
* Recycled water quality : SYABAS for utilities usage(cooling towers / boilers)

COST BENEFITS (Water Recovery from WWTP, ETP, IETS)

* City water cost : RM2.28 per m3
* Recovered water : 136,900 m3 per year (RM312,000)
* Estimate of treatment cost : RM0.35/m3 ( inclusive of chemical, membrane replacement, consumable )
* Operational cost per year : RM64,000
* Savings from recycle water : RM340,000
*** NET SAVINGS : RM250,000 PER YEAR!!

Example Scenario – Water Recovery from Glycerin Condensate

* Current discharge : 200m3 per day =73,000 m3 per annum
* Recovery rate : 80%
* Recovered water : 58,400 m3 per annum
* Recycled water quality : SYABAS for utilities usage
* Balance of 20% : secondary feedstock or discharge to ETP ( 40m3 per day )


* City water cost : RM2.28 per m3
* Recovered water : 58,000 m3 per year (RM130,000)
* Estimate of treatment cost : RM0.25/m3
* Operational cost per year : RM18,000
* Savings from recycle condensate: RM112,000
* Savings from ETP Cost: RM356,000 (assume RM5/m3 cost of ETP )
*** NET SAVINGS : RM480,000 PER YEAR !!!

Call us now for a quote. We will take sample from you, and prove to you.

No need to pay, until pilot plant fully performs!


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Recovery of water for WWTP, ETP, Condensate Odor / odour analysis & control system Recovery of water for WWTP, ETP, Condensate Odor / odour analysis & control system
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