Photoluminescent powder for Coating,Inks,Paint

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发货 AsiaChina付款后3天内
品牌 NewColorChem
过期 长期有效
更新 2011-07-08 17:27


VIP   Company第8年
  • Asia-China
  • 上次登录 2012-02-08
  • Betty Yao (Ms.)   Sales Manager

Photoluminescent powder

Photoluminescent(glow-in-the-dark) powder is actually called phosphorescent crystals or pigments. This magic pigment absorbs light and then re-emits it over a length of time. This occurs when electrons absorb energy in the presence of light and move up to a higher orbit. In the absence of light energy,these same electrons fall from a higher energy level to a more stable energy level. When this occurs, they emit energy in the form of visible light. No chemical reaction actually occurs.

In simple terms,(Glow in the dark) crystals absorb invisible Ultra Violet (UV) LIGHT FROM day&light and artificial electric lights etc and reemit that energy as visible light over a extended period of time (15~30 min),Then it will glow light at night or dark place.

Colors available:
1.Daytime: White color
2.Glow color at night :Green yellow ,Blue ,Sky-blue, Purple, Orange, Red ,White

Coating Applications: in paints &cCoatings
Glass Applications
Plastic Applications
Ink Applications

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Hydrochromic ink(white color to transparent Thermochromic pigment for plastic(NewColorChem) Photochromic pigment for Textile(NewColorChem) Photochromic pigment for Inks(NewColorChem) Photochromic pigment for Coating(NewColorChem) Thermochromic pigment for Textile(NewColorChem) Thermochromic pigment for Inks(NewColorChem)
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