RPET-Ultra-clean Polyester Pellets

价格 RM1.00对比
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Incom Resources Recovery (Tian Jin) Co., Ltd.

  • Asia-China
  • 上次登录 2023-07-05
  • 王健 (先生)  

What is Food Grade RPET:

PET is the packaging of choice for many of the world's food and beverages because it is hygienic, strong, lightweight, shatter-resistant, and preserves freshness. PET is a very inert material that resists attack by microorganisms and does not react with food, which is why it is widely preferred for packaging food, beverages and pharmaceuticals. The annual global demand for PET exceeds 20 million tons.

PET is one of the most recycled plastics in the world. With the emphasis on environmental protection and plastic recycling in many countries in recent years, the demand for Food Grade RPET is increasing.

The recycled PET bottles are crushed, cleaned, and then processed through a series of extrusion, solid phase viscosity enhancement and other processes to finally obtain the most stable and safest Food Grade RPET.


Application of Food Grade RPET:

Food packaging: mineral water bottles, beverage bottles, food packaging boxes, food storage boxes, plates, spoons, etc.

Daily chemical packaging:high-end daily chemical packaging bottles.

Other fields: blister, sheet, electronic packaging, automobiles, electronic appliances, film materials, etc.


Why INCOM RESOURCES Plant's Food Grade RPET can be trusted:

INCOM RESOURCES Plant is a rPET manufacturer allowed to be used in food contact materials upon the approval of China's National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation. Its process technologies and products have passed the certification of FDA, GRS, ISO9000, ISO14000, etc.


In 2008, INCOM Plant became the recycling and processing unit of PET bottles designated by the venues of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. In 2010, Li Keqiang, then Vice Premier of the State Council, inspected INCOM Plant and held a circular economy symposium, fully affirming INCOM's food-grade to food-grade recycling cycle mode.


According to specialized calculation data, INCOM RESOURCES Plant produces 1 ton of rPET, which will reduce emissions by 2.11 tons in comparison with virgin PET resin, equivalent to saving 0.81 tons of standard coal, or saving 0.69 tons of gasoline, or saving 0.7 tons of oil, or like planting 422 trees.

As a key industry practitioner in the renewable resources utilization industry in China, the parent company, Beijing INCOM Recycle Co., Ltd. is a demonstration base of "urban minerals" of the State and Beijing Municipality, a leading enterprise in the demonstration park of national recycling transformation pilot, and a leading enterprise in the environmental protection business sector of Sino-Ocean Group. Focusing on three strategic businesses, i.e. design, construction and operation of intelligent recycling system, the construction and operation of food-grade rPET plant, and brand operation of BOTTLOOP sustainable lifestyle, the company continuously promotes the domestic PET food-grade to food-grade recycling cycle and furnishes global customers with an overall solution for sustainable circulation of higher-quality food-grade recycled materials and renewable resources, realizing the sustainable commitment and goal of recycling and reuse of packaging materials and helping to achieve the goals of "carbon neutrality" and "peak carbon emission" at an early date.  


We have a complete production chain for PET recycling, in addition to food grade RPET, we also produce Clean Polyester FlakesAmorphous Polyester Pellets.



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