High Silica Fiberglass Filter Mesh For Steel Iron And Copper

价格 RM5.00对比
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Hebei CangChen Imp.& Exp.Trade Co, ltd

  • Asia-China
  • 上次登录 01-14 14:00
  • foundryfiltration (Mr.)  

High Silica Fiberglass Filter Mesh is weaved by high-silicon, high-strength glass fiber yarn through twisting, interweaving, and special imported heat-resistant coating material chemical treatment, through high temperature composite, cutting, sewing, decontamination, fine repair to the finished product. The thick type silica mesh filters are capable of withstanding pouring temperature up to 1620℃.


Filtration of Molten Steel


Copper and Aluminium

High Silica Fiberglass Filter Mesh is an ideal filtration material for in-mold filtration of gray, malleable, white, compacted graphite and ductile cast irons, as well as non-ferrous aluminum and copper-based metal alloys and many types of small scale steel casting filtration. It can effectively remove slag, refractory particles and non-metallic inclusions from molten metals.  Besides the function of molten metal filters, it could be also used for riser knock-off or de-gating knock-off. Investment casters have also placed the perform cup shape filters in the wax mold gating system to filter metal at pattern entry.

We, Hebei Cangchen-Your Specialist for Foundry Accessories, who can help you with individual custom-made all shapes of Fiberglass Filter Meshes.

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