Master Meter Gas Flow Calibration System

价格 RM100.00对比
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Hangzhou Tnma Measure Technology Co., Ltd

  • Asia-China
  • 上次登录 01-03 15:43
  • tnmacalibration (Mr.)  

The master meter method gas flow standard device adopts four high-precision gas turbine flowmeters produced by Elster GmbH, Germany.These flowmeters serve as standard instruments for the calibration of other flowmeters. The device operates with air as the medium and employs the negative pressure method to achieve the calibration of the flow meters under test.

Design basis

JJG643-2003        Verification regulation of Master Meter Method Flow Standard Device

JJG198-1994               Verification regulation of Velocity Flowmeter

JJG633-2005               Verification Regulation of Gas Volumetric Flowmeter

JJG577 —2005               Verification Regulation of Diaphragm Gas Meter

JJG1029-2007              Verification Regulation of Vortex Flowmeter

JJG1030-2007              Verification Regulation of Ultrasonic Flowmeter

JJG1037-2008               Verification Regulation of Turbine Flowmeter

This Gas Flow Standard Device employs a gas turbine flowmeter as the master meter, allowing gas to pass continuously through both the master meter and the flowmeter under test within the same time interval. Real-time comparison of the flow values output by the two meters is conducted, and after pressure and temperature conversion, the indicated error of the flowmeter under test is determined.

Drawing on international advanced experiences, a pulsation eliminator has been incorporated into the pipeline during testing to overcome the impact of pulsating flow on flowmeters.

Considering the differing start times for the standard meter and the meter under test (due to different pulse frequencies), which can lead to inconsistent triggering times, an advanced dual time-base technique has been adopted to correct the detection time for both the standard meter and the meter under test. This enhancement improves system accuracy.

The computer software performs error correction on the calibration data of the master meter and all transmitters, ensuring a more precise and reliable system.

The entire system operates under PC control, enabling fully automated testing with comprehensive features such as storing, querying, and printing of raw data.

For more details please visit

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