Post Tensioning Anchor

价格 RM100.00对比
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Cangzhou RuiYi Prestressed Machinery Co., Ltd

  • Asia-China
  • 上次登录 2024-08-02
  • RuiYi (Mr.)  

Post Tensioning Anchor is a kind of anchorage suitable for concrete prestressing tensioning in the process of engineering and construction. It is an anchorage tool for maintaining the tension of prestressing tendons and transmitting it to the inside of concrete in post-tensioning structure or member. anchorage tool for maintaining the tension of prestressing tendons and transmitting it to the inside of concrete in post-tensioning structure or member.

Application of Post Tensioning Anchor

Post Tensioning Anchor is generally used for highway bridges, railroad bridges, urban interchanges, urban light rail, high-rise buildings, water conservancy prestressing anchors, dams, ports and terminals, rock retaining anchors, foundation reinforcement, tunnels, tunnel mine roof anchors, prestressing nets, subways, large halls, warehouses, factories, towers, large containers and ships, sleepers, and replacement of bridge bearings, Bridge and building reinforcement, steel reinforcement works, antimagnetic and anticorrosion works, carbon fiber reinforcement, pre-tensioned girder field construction, extracorporeal pre-stressing works, inclined cable, suspension cable and so on.

Types of Post Tensioning Anchor

Anchors are commonly used at home and abroad according to the process of organic processing anchors and casting anchors.

According to the shape is divided into square anchors, round anchors, flat anchors, and cylindrical anchors.

According to the number of holes can be categorized into single-hole anchors and multi-hole anchors.

We are Post Tension Anchor Supplier, more details please contact us.

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